Why don't the fans ever talk about pony games and what does a decent and great MLP game mean?
Well the fans not talking about pony games is because it's their fault and because the games aren't worth talking about, nobody's gonna bother making a guide out of it. They want to talk about simple things like: how do I defeat enemy X, how's the boss like, where do i go, is the overall game any fun, etc.
So far the successful mlp games have been mods and rip-offs from something else; Castlevania, Megaman, Fighting anime games, which are all 2D. Legends of Equestria is too horrible to count. It's just Second Life with ponies(which we already have).
Most common sensical fans would enjoy a game that actually has something to do with the cartoon show it's based on, that means the world design of Equestria, not just the characters.
Unfortunately most brony fans aren't even gamers and don't care about games.
Whenever I ask a fan of mlp what kinda game he wants, he always gives me shit-tasted game genres and he genuinely seems to love them, sick faggots. He wants Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Earthbound, visual novels, point and click. Basically a bunch of turn-based games, text-only games and farmer-rama games which Hasbro already made a variant of it.
That's why I'm not gonna follow what some insane dumb minority wants and I'm gonna look at the good ideas. There are a lot of ideas for mlp games, some of which are very interesting.
A decent game would be any PS1, PSX and PS2 exploration adventure games such as Peter Pan: Return to Neverland, Donald Duck Goin' Quackers, 102 Dalmations: Puppies to the Rescue, Harry Potter 2, Jak and Daxter, Racket and Clank, and maybe the 2D Hercules game for XP. But 3 dimensions is still the key to making a decent game for mlp, the genre of collectables exploration-adventure fits very well with mlp's world desgin.
It would have to be a game with AI allies where you control 3 characters or more, it also needs multiplayer, and a story which follows the show loosely, or another game just but with an original story.
The stereotypical collect & explore adventure games would make a perfect fit for the fantasy world of Equestria. Such as collecting bits, gems, candy, find cutie marks for extra abilities, free 100 background ponies trapped in boxes, unlock magic puzzles, fully explore the everfree forest and the ancient royal castle.
Make around 6 games based on this genre and everyone will be happy for a long time.
A really good game fitting the pegasus theme would be something called Pegasus' Fleet. Imagine a flying skating racing game, like combining Crimson Skies, Need For Speed and Tony Hawk's Skater or SSX 3, and with Dino Run for the apocalypse environments/level desgin. It would fit in-context for the pegasi to be very maneuvrable and the game to break the mold because of the fantasy aspect. Plus there aren't many good flying games.
A great game would have to be a long everlasting thing, as a flagship of FIM, something like the concept of a good non-repetitive mmo without latency problems. My idea is for a mini-mmo, like a multiplayer game but it allows between 50-200 players per server, not as much as 2000 like most massive onlines fuck themselves up with, due to the hit detection which cannot respond/update fast enough to allow for hack and slash gameplay.
An interesting combo would be between Guild Wars and Puzzle Pirates, they're both cooperative-oriented. The economy in PP was interesting, you could open your own shop and hire players on wages even while you were offline. It also had the teamwork boats thing where everyone needed to contribute to add to their ship. The game would have to reward you in multiple ways such as exploration, just like those adventure games i told you about earlier.
For farming I'm thinking of two modes; Relaxing and random events. If you pick the relaxing one, you don't have to save your crops so often or stay logged on so much. If you pick the more adventurous one with the random events, then expect to chase after bunnies that steal your crops, giant worms to come out of the ground, swarms of fruitbats, parasprites, timberwolves to steal your magical apples, and various calamities. Some crops would need special help to make them grow, such as a rare expensive water supply from the crystal mines.
Pegasi would be in charge of weather management, constellation formation, sea control.
Unicorns would create books, spells, enchanted items.
Freely changing between all races is a must. No new characters are needed. No level resets.
There would be an editor for making custom levels, and you could access them by reading a book. Also you can't really abuse it because it gives no exp and items.
Games are dead last. So there was never a "mlp game scene". As you can see it's simply the fandom's fault for not having any interest in video games. Even if we did have say a 3D game then not more than 5% of the fandom would play it. If the fandom had more interest then there'd be more game designers because for every 50 observers, there's 1 creative artist willing to do the work, and for every 10 artists, there's 1 truly talented jack-of-all-trades with free time and drive to complete a game. Quantity brings quality in smaller doses. Just wade through that massive shitposting and you'll find all the nuggets of gold hidden in it. You just have to chisel it and polish it to notice.
They all yell and scream in hype for a theoretical game, but when it actually comes to practice they'll just back off. What kinda fan screams and hollers for ''Farmerama'' and ''turn-based combat yay!!!'' when being offered any game in the world? Casuals which have games as an afterthought and consider them a comfy puzzle game, that's who.
Hence why Equestria Gaming only has 14 million views in 4 years, which probably are also massively inflated too and it's actually just 1,4 million. Hell I could put up a fake viewcount with 150.000 views. I have 1.5k views since August when I started this blog. Either because I didn't post frequently enough, didn't advertise on any site, or pony fans just aren't into a niche subject such as pony games, especially something even more niche like someone talking about said pony games.
But what about that 3,86% group which is interested in pony games? Well... here is the gist of what goes behind a ''mlp game''. The MLP game scene in a nutshell
Not to mention the game devs, which do manage to get a demo out, never release the source code and source files to build upon it and continue progress. Must be some anti-social arrogance thing between hack artists who never learned to share and be humble.