(Legacy of the Pony completed)
Time to remind you of some games nobody knows about, like the ones from Pon-E3, most of which don't even have a website and download link anymore.
I'm gonna make just one post where I'll put all these games so I don't have to make a separate post for each of them. Plus they don't warrant more than one page of review. I'll let you know when I update it.
Yoyogames The Lost Element
This is a rather interesting game. Pinkie Pie Platformer / The Lost Element is a platformer with a loose story, more like a few hints. Pinkie Pie's blue balloon/laughter element has been broken and nobody seems to remember her name, leaving everyone to call her pink pony, including Rainbow Dash. Pinkie embarks on a journey to find all the broken pieces, reaching all the way to Discord.
The game features a weird gameplay mechanic. You need to do various acrobatic tricks to get past pitfalls, walls and enemies, and all these tricks cost you energy, this can become quite tedious if you don't plan your jumps right. Imagine if in Super Mario Bros you had limits to your basic abilities, an energy bar which lets you jump just 3 times before you need to let it cooldown.
The bosses are annoying as hell, they have this random explosion attack which can hit you at any time and you can't dodge it. You also don't get temporary invicibility between damage hits, so expect to get hit badly like 6 times in a row and waste all your lifes till it's Game Over.
I enjoyed the day/night effect and some of the enemies such as the ghost pegasi. Yes that is the Ghostbusters theme in 8-bit. Also if you enjoy baby piano music and sound effects then you'll enjoy the soundtrack for Pinkie's game. All of the character animations are taken from Desktop Ponies including the diamond dogs... except for the bats and ghost pegasi and Discord, those sprites are made by him(Zilven Sparkle).
Fully completed game download, by DeftFunk.
Legacy of the Pony is a game featuring Spike, unlike that other game Spike's Quest which is just meaningless blog updates, legacy of the pony actually features content in it. It's a metroidvania game which has 2 levels, that each take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. The theme for the game is the usual cliche; retrieve the missing elements of harmony. In this unfinished game you have access to the Loyalty and Honesty levels.
Spike comes equipped with a sword, firebreath and a shield to block with, the shield is very useful. You can also use a bunch of items you collect, these items enhance your stats and firebreath ability. After you grab the element from the level, you need to backtrack the stage, the stage gets darker and the enemies are twice as powerful, coming with extra abilities and a lot of speed. Interesting idea I like it, makes the whole escape the level sequence much more fitting.
The Loyalty level requires you to have a lot of speed boots to pass through it, it should be a pretty quick level, at least compared to Applejack's level which i do not recommend. Lots of conveyor belts, giant rolling boulders, neat linear design, you can't get lost in it. Though there is one glitch after you backtrack the level, right near the end, if you jump to the left instead of falling down, you end up in stuck in a wall in the next room because you came from the wrong side.
The Honesty level... requires you to have the very element you're searching for. This level's design is very maze-like and you have to navigate through invisible blocks, which give no hint to where they are. You can only see the blocks after you get the artefact at the end of the stage, which by the way you can easily miss because in the same room you have to jump on a bunch of invisible blocks which are very cramped together, this brings to attention the crappy jumping physics for Spike, you can't control him in mid-air, he pretty much jumps vertically. This level should have contained a map, one of the reasons why people didn't like the first Metroid. The invisible tiles are a reference to Applejack in episode 2, when she tells Twilight to let go. In game format it would have been better if the tiles at least became visible for a few seconds after touching them, but nope the creator didn't add that.
The element of loyalty offers you a double jump.
The element of honesty lets you walk on spikes and reveals all the invisible blocks in the level.
These abilities cost mana which you can refill just like health, by killing enemies and getting their drops.
It's an alright game, could use a map and some better control though.
Rainbow Wake by DeftFunk is based on the comic with the same name created by TheStoicMachine, the same artist with the beards comics and evil s1 Luna.
The humour of the comic is from the 2010-early 2011 time when the fandom enjoyed unironic-ironic humour. Ironic because of how dumb and over the top it is or how ridiculouse and lame the whole thing is(the comic and the cartoon show). Unironic because we genuinely enjoy that kind of comedy.
I had a nightmare once where Trixie, Gilda and Zecora were villains, luckily that generic thing didn't happen. It's so cringeworthy and cliche for uninteresting secondary characters to become villains, but Hasbro gave me an even worse nightmare called season 2+.
The game:
Rainbow Wake proves to be a unique (shmup)shoot-em-up game. It's a boss gauntlet featuring 4 bosses(5, if we count Sweetie Derrele, the secret boss). It implements the mouse, letting you shoot from any degree and any position, encouraging you to go all the way to the top of the screen. Shmup games never let you turn around the ship, you had to use guiding rockets to destroy the ships behind you.
Overall it's a refreshing take on the shooting genre, all it needed was more content and better graphics. One thing I'd change would be the grassy background, I'd change it to clouds or space. It looks very unfitting to fight on grasslands.
To comment more on the game...
Rainbow Dash finally gets a ranged attack. She's also an alicorn now.
I think this is the only game where you fight Celestia as a boss or the other main 6(aside from Megapony).
If you wait long enough to listen to Fluttershy then Dash will say okay and fly off, making you lose. Dash's animation is taken from Bird In A Hoof when she pesters the guards, Deftfunk asked that specifically of his animator.
Pinkie's mechanical suit and Flutters' dinosaur can catch you and throw you around the screen, it proves to be quite one hell of an annoying attack. Rarity can quickly overwhelm you with her crystal turrets, especially the shield crystals, which sadly you cannot use them against her. Celestia will corner you with her long-lines of light and and her attacks are the most punishing. Not to mention Celestia's health is huge, luckily you get a partner to take her down easier.
The game features 2 challenges, the first one lets you fight against all 3 bosses at once, which isn't as hard as it sounds, because you get fully upgraded, and there's one power-up which lets you destroy Rarity easily because of how large her ship is. Pinkie is second and Fluttershy is last, because she mostly stays off screen.
The second challenge is the fifth boss, it's Sweetie Belle/Sweetie Derelle, you have to fight her differently compared to the 4 bosses. She's more of a bullet hell boss, where you just have to dodge everything and memorize the patterns. After you memorize all her patterns then it should only take about 1 minute and 30 seconds to beat her in one go. Because of the mouse feature which lets you shoot from any direction with ease, you can attack and dodge at the same time, you can hold down the mouse button and just keep shooting while you don't get bothered at all by the bullets.
Ponycraft - Tainted Skies demo
There's not much to talk about Tainted Skies , the creator stopped working on it since 2013 January.
It started off on ponychan(like most failed projects) as a Warcraft 3 editor for making pony games.
The project never got future assistance by other modellers as you can tell by the crappy terrain textures.
Ponyventure demo
Soon I'll talk about Clockwork Stallions, the finished Legacy Of The Pony game, maybe Megapony and Ponyvania and then I'll go back to slumbering.